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Pack 679 Pinewood Derby 2025!

Saturday, February 8th, 9:00am


Location TBD


  • Awards: Ranks (Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos 1 & Webelos 2) will compete against each other. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place for each rank (not each Den). There will also be awards for the fastest cars in the Pack - 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. In addition, there will be awards for car design, not just speed. A few of the award categories are “Most Patriotic, “Most Creative”, and “Best Paint job” and many others, be creative! While we encourage parents and siblings to participate with their own cars in the Friends of Scouting Race (Open Class), there will only be recognition for the fastest car within this class. They will not be included in the car design competition.


  • All cars must be weighed in and inspected on one of the following days (See Scout book for locations): 

    • Dates and times TBD


  • Once weighed and inspected, cars will remain with the Pinewood Derby Committee until after the race. NO MODIFICATIONS can be made after Check In.


  • Cars will not be accepted after Check in Day – it is IMPERATIVE you make arrangements to have your car weighed and inspected at the Impound. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IF YOU DO NOT TURN IN AT IMPOUND

          Pinewood Derby Official Rules

  • The car must be Scout-made, but adults are encouraged to actively participate with their Scouts. The exception is cars made by the family and friends for the Friends of Scouting Race (Open Class).

  • The cars must have been built in the current Scout year (after September 2023). Cars made in previous years may not be raced – including cars for the Friends of Scouting Race (Open Class).

  • Wheels can be sanded to remove ridges but may not be tapered.

  • No wheel bearings, bushings or washers of any type may be used (except as weights if desired). The car may not have any type of springs or self-propelled starting devices.

  • The maximum weight of the car may not exceed 5 ounces. Scales will be available on check in so final adjustments can be made. The scale used at Impound Day will be the official scale. BRING WEIGHTS WITH YOU to make any final adjustments.

    Dimensions for the finished car are as follows:

    • Width cannot exceed 2 ¾” (inches), including wheels and axles

    • Length cannot exceed 7” (inches)

    • Ground clearance must be at least 3/8” (inches) (This is REQUIRED or the car won’t move on the track)

    • Minimum width of the car where the axles are inserted into the body must be 1 ¾” (inches)

  • Added accessories such as windshields, driver, etc., are permitted from other sources and may be used as long as width, length and weight restrictions are met. Accessories must be permanently attached. Colored wheels with the BSA insignia are permitted.

  • Each scout must have fun building and racing their car. 

    Impound Day​​

    • If you are not available for check in Day, please send your car in with another Scout family or Den Leader.

    • As part of the impound process, a car name will be asked to be provided. If you have someone else turn in your car, please provide the name(s) to that person.

    • Once weighed, inspected and turned in, cars will remain with the Pinewood Derby Committee and will not be sent home until after the race. NO MODIFICATIONS can be made after turned into impound.

    • Some tools will be available on Impound Day for minor modifications. Any other tools and WEIGHTS needed to make adjustments must be brought with the Scout and family. Please allow ample time to be checked in

    • Car should be complete at check in ready to race. We’re trying to keep modifications to a minimum as it can get crowded. If you need some help, please plan to arrive early.

  • Please contact Keith Putt or Bobbie Jo with any questions –,

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