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We are always interesting in other fundraising opportunities.

If you have any ideas or could help with this please contact us!

​ with any ideas you may have.

Selling popcorn is our only fundraiser of the year and the best way to raise money for our pack. For every dollar that our scouts sell, $0.37 comes back directly to our pack! This is money we use toward fun events, outings and hikes. It also helps pay for camperships for scouts who otherwise could not afford to pay for camp. 

Not only is selling popcorn a great way for our pack to raise money, it is a great way to help build confidence, develop public speaking skills, and handle rejection that inevitably happens. 


Popcorn sales kick off in mid August through the end of October.


Please help your scout sell popcorn by getting set up by downloading the TrailsEnd app, watching some instructional videos, and get selling!  


Download the app here!







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